Article VIII
Section 1. – Appointments – The President shall consider suggestions of the Executive Board in appointing chairpersons of all standing committees (except the Nominating and Elections Committee – See Article V, Sec. 1.) and special committees such as awards and hospitality. Committee chairs shall complete their committees with assistance of the President. All committee chairs shall submit a written summary of committee activities to the President and the Secretary-Treasurer before the close of each annual Chapter business meeting.
Section 2. – Duties of Standing Committees:
Clause A – Nominating and Election – (See Article V, Sec. 1).
Clause B – Membership – This committee shall encourage the maximum number of qualified persons residing in the area to become members of the Society, the North Central Section, and the Chapter. As provided in Article IV, Section 2, the committee will receive nominations and make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding approval of all individuals seeking Affiliate Member status in the Chapter.
Clause C – Continuing Education – This committee shall arrange continuing educational programs for the membership. These may be combined with a Chapter business meeting.
Clause D – Education and Information – (Publicity) – This committee shall seek and employ methods of informing the public of basic concepts of wildlife management and of chapter and Society activities and interest.
Clause E – Resolutions and Public Statements – This committee shall receive proposed resolutions of public statements from members at any time, and shall prepare, submit and recommend action on such items to the Executive Board in accordance with Article VII, Section 5.
Clause F – Audit – This committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least 2 additional members. It shall review the financial records and support documents of the Secretary-Treasurer at least annually. The committee also shall review these records and documents prior to any change in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 3. – Accountability – All committees shall be accountable to the Executive Board, under general supervision of the President.
Section 4. – Tenure – All committees shall serve until new committees are appointed in their stead or until the duties assigned to the committee have been discharged.