Article VI


Section 1. – Meetings – Chapter general meetings shall be held at such time and places as determined and published by the Executive Board.

Clause A – Annual Meeting – The first meeting after the beginning of the fiscal year shall be known as the Annual Meeting, for the purpose of installing elected officers, receiving reports from officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.

Clause B – Meeting Notice – The members must be notified at least one month prior to annual meetings and special meetings and at least ten days prior to general meetings.

Clause C – Quorum – The quorum for the Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be over fifty percent of the membership or ten members in good standing, whichever is less; and for Executive Board Meetings, three of the Board.

Clause D – Meeting Rules – The rules contained in the latest revision of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern meetings in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are consistent with the bylaws and/or other special rules of the Chapter and the Society.

Clause E – Bylaws – The Bylaws of this organization shall be available for inspection during every meeting.

Section 2. – Special Meetings – Special Meetings may be called by the Executive Board at any time, provided due notice (see Article VI, Sec. 1B) and the purpose of the call is given.

Clause A – Only those items listed in the call for a special meeting shall be acted upon at the special meeting.

Clause B – All clauses under Section 1 of the Article apply to special meetings.