Article V
Section 1. – Officers – Officers of the Indiana Chapter shall consist of a President, President-Elect (who shall serve as Vice-President), Member-at-Large, and Secretary/Treasurer. Their duties are:
Clause A – President – The President shall have general supervision of the Chapter officers. The President shall appoint, with the advice of the Executive Board, Chairmen of all standing and special committees, and shall preside as Chairperson at meetings of the Executive Board and shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees except the Nominating and Elections Committee. The President may represent the Chapter or appoint alternate representatives to other Chapter, Section, or Society boards, committees or meetings, including the Executive Board of the North Central Section. The President shall represent and serve as liaison to the Section for the Chapter, provide the editor of the Section newsletter with news and items of interest from the Chapter area, and serve as contact among the Section, Chapters, and members in their respective areas.
Clause B – President-Elect – The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve, and shall perform any duties assigned by the President. In the event the President-Elect cannot serve in the President’s absence, the Executive Board shall appoint a President, pro tempore. The President-Elect shall organize the annual meeting.
Clause C – Secretary/Treasurer – Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the files, records, and funds of the Chapter, and shall submit complete financial reports at the Annual Meeting and last meeting prior to the expiration of term. The Secretary/Treasurer’s duties also shall include the receipt and disbursement of funds, the recording of the minutes of all meetings, the maintenance of the membership rolls, correspondence, and the issues of meeting notes.
Clause D – Member-at-Large – The Member-at-Large shall serve on the Chapter Executive Board and shall represent the Chapter at the request of the President.
Clause E – Executive Board – The above named officers, with the immediate Past-President, and possible others as described in Article VII, Section 1 shall make up the Executive Board which shall act as the governing body for the chapter. Presidents of the student chapters of the state may serve on the Executive Board as ex-officio, non-voting members.
Section 2 – Nomination of Officers– The Nominating and Elections Committee (See Art. VII, Sec. 1) of the Chapter shall prepare a slate of two candidates for each of the elective positions, namely: President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Member-at-Large (one additional Executive Board member from the membership of the Chapter).
Clause A – Each year before September 15th, the Nominations Committee shall submit to the President the names of two available Regular Members (Article IV, Section 1) in good standing as nominees for President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Member-at-Large. Prior approval shall be obtained from said candidates.
Clause B – Said nominations slate shall be submitted to the membership at least thirty days prior to mail (or e-mail) balloting. Only ballots returned to the Secretary-Treasurer by November 1 shall be counted.
Clause C – Additional nominees may be added to the Nominating and Elections Committee’s slate upon the signed support of six or more members.
Clause D – A member may be elected for no more than two consecutive years in the same elective position. The current President and President-Elect may be nominated for a second term at the discretion of the Nominating and Elections Committee.
Section 3. – Balloting–
Clause A – Regular Ballot – Written ballots (delivered in person, by mail or by e-mail) shall be received from the members by the Secretary-Treasurer and shall be counted by the Nominating and Elections Committee. For ballot-counting purposes, the President shall appoint a replacement for any member of the Nominating and Elections Committee who has been nominated for an office by the membership.
Clause B – Members in arrears shall forfeit their rights to vote during the period of their delinquency.
Clause C – Absentee Ballot – A signed ballot may be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer by a member prior to the scheduled time for counting ballots.
Clause D – The candidate receiving the largest number of votes on the written ballot shall be declared elected. No one may hold more than one elective position simultaneously.
Section 4. – Tenure of Office – Officers will be installed at the Annual Spring Meeting. The President, President-Elect, and Member-at-Large shall serve a one-year term in office or until replaced at the Annual Spring Meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve a two-year term in office or until replaced at the Annual Spring Meeting.
Section 5. – Vacancies – If the office of the President is vacated for any reason, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President for the balance of the unexpired term of the President. All other vacancies in any unexpired term of an elective office shall be filled through appointment by the Executive Board, although an appointed President-Elect shall serve only until the next scheduled Chapter election where the membership shall elect the next President. All appointees must be Regular Members of the Chapter and Voting Members of the Society.