Article IV


Section 1.  Membership Classes

Clause A – Regular Member – Regular membership in the Indiana Chapter shall be available to any member of The Wildlife Society who resides within the boundaries of the chapter as defined in Article I, Section 2. Only regular members may hold elective offices in the Chapter; vote on matters affecting Chapter policy; vote on matters affecting the Society; and represent the Chapter or Section on Society business.

Clause B –Affiliate Member – Affiliate membership in the Indiana Chapter shall be available to any person who, although not a member of The Wildlife Society, has an interest in the objectives and activities of the chapter and is approved by the Membership Committee. (Affiliate membership is also available to members of the Society who live outside the boundaries of the chapter.) An affiliate member shall be entitled to all rights, privileges and responsibilities of regular members except as otherwise provided in Article IV, Section 1. Affiliate members may vote in chapter elections and chapter business not relating to policy or Society business.

Clause C – Charter Member – Regular and affiliate members in good standing on the membership rolls as of September 30, 1969 shall be considered Charter members.

Clause D – Honorary Member – Honorary members of the Indiana Chapter shall be persons who, by a majority vote of all members of the chapter, have been thus recognized for their achievements. An honorary member need not pay chapter dues. Honorary Members who are voting members of The Wildlife Society shall have the same rights and privileges as Chapter Regular Members (Article IV, Section 1). Honorary Members who are not voting members of The Wildlife Society shall have the same rights and privileges as Affiliate Members (Article IV, Section 2).

Section 2. Dues – Annual dues shall be payable by each member to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than July 1. Members who have not paid Society dues shall lose their regular member status in the Indiana Chapter. Annual dues also may be paid to the Society’s office along with Section and Society dues, and subsequently will be remitted to the Chapter.

Section 3. Privileges – Members have privileges and responsibilities of their respective and appropriate memberships.  Only Regular Members shall be entitled to vote, hold office, and represent the Chapter’s name or its officers.

Section 4.  Resignation – Members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chapter’s Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 5.  Reinstatement – Persons who are dropped from the rolls of the Chapter for non-payment of dues may be reinstated into membership in this Chapter upon reapplication and payment of appropriate dues.